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Difference between revisions of "Mark Wolff/ru"

(Created page with "Из сорамими Марка его вайфу являются: *Рей Аянами. *[ Hatsune Miku]. *Юкихо Хаги...")
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Из сорамими Марка его вайфу являются:  
Из сорамими Марка его вайфу являются:  
*Рей Аянами.
*Рей Аянами.
*[ Hatsune Miku].
*[ Хацунэ Мику].
*Юкихо Хагивара.
*Юкихо Хагивара.
*[ Чирно].
*[ Чирно].
Line 90: Line 90:
*[ Махиру Инами].
*[ Махиру Инами].
*[ Toki Японский Красноногий Ибис].
*[ Toki Японский Красноногий Ибис].
*[ Choi Mochimazzi].
*[ Чой Мочимацци].
*[ Vanilla H]. <gallery>
*[ Ванилла H]. <gallery>
Rei Ayanami.png|Rei Ayanami.
Rei Ayanami.png|Рей Аянами.
Hatsune Miku.png|Hatsune Miku.
Hatsune Miku.png|Хацунэ Мику.
Yukiho Hagiwara.jpg|Yukiho Hagiwara.
Yukiho Hagiwara.jpg|Юкихо Хагивара.
SquidGirl.jpg|Ika Musume.
SquidGirl.jpg|Ика Мусумэ.
Azusa Nakano.jpg|Azusa Nakano.
Azusa Nakano.jpg|Азуса Накано.
Kudo.jpg|Kudryavka Noumi.
Kudo.jpg|Кудрявка Номи.
Remilia.png|Remilia Scarlet.
Remilia.png|Ремилия Скарлет.
Tomoko Kuroki.png|Tomoko Kuroki.
Tomoko Kuroki.png|Томоко Куроки.
Akyuu.png|Hieda no Akyuu.
Akyuu.png|Хиэда-но Акю.
Madoka.jpg|Madoka Kaname.
Madoka.jpg|Мадока Канаме.
Shirai Kuroko.jpg|Shirai Kuroko.
Shirai Kuroko.jpg|Сираи Куроко.
Francesca Lucchini.jpg|Francesca Lucchini.
Francesca Lucchini.jpg|Франческа Луккини.
Umi-chan.jpg|Umi Sonoda.
Umi-chan.jpg|Уми Сонода.
Tewi! Tewi! Tewi!.png|Tewi Inaba.
Tewi! Tewi! Tewi!.png|Теви Инаба.
Mahiru Inami.jpg|Mahiru Inami.
Mahiru Inami.jpg|Махиру Инами.
Toki.jpg|Japanese Crested Ibis.
Toki.jpg|Японский Красноногий Ибис.
Chemical smell is Choi.png|Choi Mochimazzi.
Chemical smell is Choi.png|Чой Мочимацци.
Vanilla H.jpg|Vanilla H.
Vanilla H.jpg|Ванилла H.
Yet another one of lines were mistranslated, while responding to Billy's threat about him being far more formidable than Van, as "'''いい目してんねサボテンね'''" (roughly "You have good eyes, cactus."). This same phrase would later be used by Japanese users to describe a Wrestling Series Characters's eyes when the camera gets up close to their eyes.
Еще одна реплика была неправильно переведена в ответ на угрозу Билли о том, что он гораздо грознее Вана, как "'''いい目してんねサボテンね'''". (примерно "У тебя хорошие глаза, кактус"). Эта же фраза позже будет использоваться японскими пользователями для описания глаз персонажей серии, когда камера приближается к их глазам.

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Revision as of 13:58, 13 October 2021

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English • ‎Tiếng Việt • ‎русский

How about you give up? (Как насчет того, чтобы сдаться?)

Марк Вульфф к Вану Даркхолму в фильме Lords of the Lockerroom.

Марк Вульфф (Mark Wolff) (яп: いかりやビオランテ / Икария Биолланте') - канадский бывший бисексуальный актер порнографических фильмов, бывший рестлер, бывший боксер, бывший танцор, бывший фитнес-модель, владелец сайтов и, совладелец сайта и бывший директор Mark Wolff Productions. Он родился 5 сентября 1972 года в Ванкувере, Британская Колумбия, Канада. Он греческого происхождения.


Икария происходит от сорамими Билли Херрингтона 'Икария-сан?!' от реплики "Look at that ass, huh?(Вы посмотрите на эту задницу, ха?)" из фильма Lords of the Lockerroom. Биолланте происходит от сорамими Билли 'Биолланте!' из фразы "Feel that, bitch! (Почувствуй это, сучка!)" из фильма Lords of the Lockerroom. По совпадению, Биолланте - это также имя знаменитого генетически модифицированного розового гибрида кайдзю из знаменитого фильма 1989 года о Годзилле, Godzilla vs. Biollante.

Другое его прозвище - Биорин (ビオりん), потому что некоторые его неправильно услышанные диалоги связаны с медиафраншизой THE iDOLM@STER, а никнейм происходит от имени идола Иори Минасэ (いおりん Иорин).

Икариус Биоллантиус (イカリウス・ビオランティウス) происходит от его появления в роли римского гладиатора в фильме Gladiators.

На японском языке имя Марка Вульффа транскрибируется как Maaku Worufu (マーク・ウォルフ).

Марк Вульфф использовал имя Блэйк Онассис в качестве псевдонима, когда он только начал работать моделью для мужских журналов и сниматься для Can-Am Productions.


Марк родился в Ванкувере, жил в Торонто с 7 лет (с 1979 года), вернулся в Ванкувер после окончания средней школы, а затем переехал в Лос-Анджелес в период с 1991 по 1994 год. Марк получил степень бакалавра по маркетингу в Университете Британской Колумбии.

Марк, как и Дэнни Ли, также много играл в хоккей с 6 до 18 лет.

Хобби Марка включали чтение, в основном нехудожественных бизнес-книг, работу диджеем, крутящим хаус-музыку; а также он увлекался автомобилями.

В 1987 году, в возрасте 15 лет, Марк начал тренироваться в своем подвале с тяжестями. В 1989 году, в возрасте 17 лет, Марк впервые записался в тренажерный зал. В 1990 году, в возрасте 18 лет, Марк начал серьезно заниматься бодибилдингом. В 1992 году, в возрасте 21 лет, Марк принял участие в своем первом соревновании в тренажерном зале.

В 1998 году, в возрасте 26 лет, Марк открыл для себя индустрию фотографий для взрослых, когда к нему в спортзале Gold's Gym в Венисе, Лос-Анджелес, Калифорния подошел скаут, работающий в журнале Colt. Шесть месяцев спустя в том же году Марк снялся с Джимом Френчем для журнала Colt, и с этого момента началась его карьера в индустрии для взрослых.

В 1990 году Марк стал бодибилдером и мужской фитнес-моделью, он снимался в гей-порнофильмах, фотосетах и журналах, включая бодибилдинг и мужскую эротику, таких как Men's Workout, Men's Exercise и Playgirl, где демонстрировал свое впечатляющее телосложение.

Марк никогда не стремился стать профессионалом, но любил заниматься тренировками. Марк дошел до юниорского национального уровня в тяжелом весе, его рост составлял 5 футов и 10 дюймов (примерно 178 сантиметров), а вес был 210 фунтов (95 кг). Он не хотел идти дальше этого уровня, его это вполне устраивало. Он мотивировал это тем, что он не хотел потерять эстетический вид и хотел сохранить симметричное телосложение.

Он никогда не занимался сексом с другими мужчинами, но боролся с ними в обнаженном виде. Марк иногда мастурбировал с ними, что отчетливо видно в нескольких фильмах, например, в фильмах Lords of the Lockerroom с Билли после проигрыша в первом раунде и с чехами Иркой и Ярдой в Wolff's World.

Он снимался в фильмах, в основном, производства Can-Am Productions и Mark Wolff Productions. Марк снялся только в двух фильмах компании Vista Video International.

Марк занялся веб-бизнесом еще в 1999 году и после окончания колледжа создал дистрибьютора/студию Mark Wolff Productions. Его первый сайт,, изначально был фан-сайтом, на котором было собрано до 100 фотографий мускулистых мужчин, позирующих в нижнем белье или в обнаженном виде. Он использовал этот сайт для продажи своих видеозаписей и как средство рекламы своих многочисленных выступлений в клубах. Благодаря этому Марк приобрел нужные ему связи с агентами, фотографами и другими моделями. Марк создал сеть продюсеров и модельных скаутов. Это дало Марку возможность путешествовать по разным странам, чтобы найти лучших мускулистых мужчин в мире. За последние несколько лет сайт рос в геометрической прогрессии.

Марк сам снимал около 50% моделей, по его собственным словам, а также управлял и платил другим фотографам, снимавшим для него контент. Марк занимался почти всем печатным маркетингом, продвижением, много занимался маркетингом в Интернете и сделал значительную часть веб-дизайна.

В 2004 году во время интернет-серфинга Марк заинтересовался другим сайтом, Вульфф подумал о том, чтобы сосредоточиться на мускулистых и атлетичных моделях в трусах. Он также сказал, что является поклонником мужских и женских задниц, так что это было подходящим вариантом.

Марк получил степень бакалавра или, возможно, более высокую степень в области маркетинга и в течение 6 лет работал в компании Prudential Securities (ныне не существующей), подразделении финансовых услуг страховщика Prudential Financial. За время работы в Prudential Securities Марк развил навыки, необходимые для ведения бизнеса, такие как открытие бизнеса. Эти навыки Вульфф использовал каждый день, когда руководил компанией Mark Wolff Productions до своего ухода.

Последнее появление Марка в кино было в фильме "Global Underground" в 2007 году. 15 марта 2009 года Марк объявил о своем уходе с сайта в день его 10-летия. Сайт до сих пор существует, им управляют другие люди. Его дистрибьютор/студия Mark Wolff Productions прекратила производство фильмов в 2011 году.

Роль в Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling

Марк Вульфф - один из главных персонажей в Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling. Он часто изображается легко раздражительным и постоянно ввязывается в драки с другими людьми, особенно с Ваном. Основной стиль борьбы Вульффа включает Био Гравитацию, серию ударов руками-молотами, которые отправляют противников на землю, и Био Коготь, когтистую атаку на спину или ягодицы жертвы. Его секретный прием - Fairy Express, когда он берет противника за голову и бросается к стене или шкафчику, разбивая об него голову противника. Агрессивная натура Вульффа действует как обоюдоострый меч, когда его напористый характер заставляет его вступать в драки подряд или даже против нескольких противников, что быстро выматывает его. Несмотря на это, он чрезвычайно силен, когда концентрируется на одном противнике, одолев непобедимого Брайана Максона, хотя даже Билли Херрингтон не смог его победить.

Один из его боевых кличей был неправильно переведен как "ダブルゆきぽ". (Двойная Юкипо). Из-за этого он оказался в паре с персонажем THE iDOLM@STER Юкихо Хагивара' (萩原雪歩).

Одна из его реплик в ответ на вопрос Вана "Сдаешься?" была неправильно переведена как "いや、レイ!". (Нет, Рей!). Из-за этого возникли предположения, что он заботится о Рей, возможно, в паре с ней тоже. Рей, на которую ссылались, могла быть Хино Рей из "Сейлор Мун", Рей из "Кулака Северной звезды", Рей Аянами из "Евангелиона" или Рей Шинохара из "iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls". Из-за этого Марк иногда изображается как отаку/виабушник в Гачимучи, он либо перечисляет своих любимых персонажей, либо встречается с ними. В дополнение к этому, его крик "Я сдаюсь!" был неправильно услышан как "Акиба!", прозвище, данное японскому культурному центру отаку Акихабара. Судя по неправильно услышанному диалогу, он большой поклонник аниме, причем Lucky☆Star и Strike Witches его любимые.

Из сорамими Марка его вайфу являются:

Еще одна реплика была неправильно переведена в ответ на угрозу Билли о том, что он гораздо грознее Вана, как "いい目してんねサボテンね". (примерно "У тебя хорошие глаза, кактус"). Эта же фраза позже будет использоваться японскими пользователями для описания глаз персонажей серии, когда камера приближается к их глазам.

More notable soramimi include "I'll show you who's boss in this gym.", "...troubles breathing?", "...into. You want to um...", "...That what you mean?", Famously "Well, whatever you wanna do. If that's what you wanna do, if you think you can beat me 1-2-3?", "Uhhhhhh, you're gonna break my ankle!", "Fuck, you're gonna break my arm!", "Eh, you want a shot at the title, huh? Huh?", "That's revenge for sneaking up on me like that, huh?", and "Vive la U.S.A!"

Mark's iconic Double Yukipo has him place his legs on a prone opponent's side while holding onto their arm and leg. Variants include Single Yukipo, in which he uses one leg instead of two, a simpler maneuver but with an increased vulnerability to crotch attacks like Van's Dark Punch, and his ultimate skill, the Infernal Yukipo, where Wolff grabs both legs and crushes his opponent's testicles with his foot. Much like Billy Herrington, Mark's wrestling style is Greco-Roman, but also professional style.

He is the victim of Van's Dark Fairy Attack. A move similar to Billy's Final Fairy Attack except much weaker, but still effective in breaking Mark Wolff's back. This was famously redrawn in a fan picture.

Wolff is also experienced in oil wrestling, carrying a French opponent to the oil pit where he proceeds to assault him while covered in oil.

Blake Onassis: Exposed!

Main article: Blake Onassis: Exposed!

Mark Wolff: Rockhard

Main article: Mark Wolff: Rockhard
Biollante Businessman.jpg

In Mark Wolff: Rockhard, Mark is portrayed in numerous fantasy scenes that feature a businessman exhausted from a long day. Mark drives in his BMW to his house. He masturbates in the car, then gets out of it. Mark then puts his work clothes in the washing machine, pulls out a banana, undress himself, gets on top of the washing machine, grabs a newspaper, and eats the banana. Finally, Mark dresses in a black leather torso and crotch harness at his house.

Feel the Power

Main article: Feel the Power

In Feel the Power, Mark is seen punching a punching bag with his boxing gloves and also does other workouts like lifting dumbbells and masturbating.

Maxon vs. Wolff

Main article: Maxon vs. Wolff

In Maxon vs. Wolff, American wrestler Brian Maxon encounters Canadian Mark Wolff. They briefly exchange insults at each other before wrestling it out. Brian Maxon is a strong opponent for Mark Wolff, but Mark Wolff is determined and has a lot of endurance.

Lords of the Lockerroom

Main article: Lords of the Lockerroom

In Lords of the Lockerroom, Mark is portrayed as a big mouthed and overconfident individual with his strength compared to the swift Van and later the loud, overpowering, and surprisingly fast Billy.

Mark Wolff vs. Van Darkholme

Mark notices Van coming into the locker room with his leather outfit on. Mark asks Van that he has the wrong door and that the leather club is two blocks down from the gym. When Van refuses to leave, Mark is angered by this act of defiance and challenges Van to wrestle with him; without his leather outfit. Mark, in the wrestling match against Van, results in Mark winning by Van getting put in a sleeper hold.

Post-Wrestling Match Shower Scene

Exhausted, Mark decides to shower, masturbate in the locker room, and take a break.

Billy Herrington vs. Mark Wolff

Billy suddenly comes back minutes after lifting. Billy wonders what the noise was and a tired Mark tells him that he defeated Van and that he wasn't a tough at all opponent. Billy tells Mark that he is an opponent that he's never fought before and Mark accepts fighting him. on one condition. If Billy wins, he'll take Mark's ass. Mark accepts this bet. After a grueling, long, one-sided fight, Billy tells Mark to start masturbating in order to regain some energy. Mark accepts and masturbates. Mark comes back fully energized, but unfortunately gets overwhelmed by Billy's raw natural strength in the final round, and is defeated when Billy puts him in a sleeper hold on the ground floor mat.

Wolff's World

Main article: Wolff's World

In Wolff's World, Mark is portrayed as a Canadian American in Los Angeles, California who competes with 3 foreigners in a locker room. 1 hails from France and the other 2 hail from the Czech Republic, in a chance to win at the title in Los Angeles, California. It is unknown what the title is that Mark and foreigners are competing for in Los Angeles, California.

Mark Wolff vs. Philippe Nicolas

In the match with Philippe Nicolas, Mark sees that he only speaks French and keeps stretching. The Frenchman catches Mark off guard and puts him in a pin. Later on, Mark defeats Philippe then carries his unconscious body onto a bed in a different room. Mark begins to also have an oil wrestling match with the Frenchman. The oil wrestling match includes Mark's Infernal Yukipo with Philippe jerking and yelling in pain. Mark defeats Philippe.

Mark Wolff vs. Jirka Kalvoda and Jarda Kolar

After defeating Philippe, Mark returns back to the locker room to see Jirka Kalvoda and Jarda Kolar. Mark is eventually overwhelmed by the tall Jirka after knocking out Jarda and gets knocked out. Jirka and Jarda then carry Mark's unconscious body into the same bed to begin to have an oil wrestling match. Mark comes out on top, again.


Main article: Gladiators

In Gladiators, Mark Wolff plays his ancestor known by Western historians as Maximus and by Eastern historians as Ikarius Biollantus, and fights Nino Bacci. He gives him the name Akira and declares his adoration of Princess Yukipo.


Main article: Prototype

In Prototype, Mark Wolff travels across 8 countries to party and move around. He performs an electronic dance themed strip dance, similarly seen with Danny Lee and Anthony Capriati.


Mark Wolff vs. Van Darkholme (ビオランテvsTDN)

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The leather club's two blocks down.
  • "Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The leather club's two blocks down."
  • "Nah fuck you, leatherman!"
  • "Maybe you and I should settle it right here on the ring if you think you're that tough."
  • "Yeah. You're gonna wrestle and wrestle?"
  • "Yeah, ha! Yeah right man. Let's go! Why don't you get out of that leather stuff? I'll strip down out of this and we'll settle it right here in the ring. What do you say?"
  • "Huh? Huh? Ooh. Alright."
  • "You got it. Get out of that uh, jabroni outfit."
  • "I'll show you who's boss in this gym." (チンポ♂朝勃ち(朝) - Chinpo asaochi - Morning Wood (an erection))
  • "Come on! Let's go!"
  • "Huh, yeah, you're pretty quick, huh?"
  • "Having troubles breathing?" (超スピード!? - Chou supido!? - Super speed!?)
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Had enough?"
  • "Woo! Man you got up pretty quick!"
  • "Fuck you!" ((稗田) 阿求!! - (hieda) akyuu!! - (Hieda) Akyuu!!)
  • "Yeah, right!" (いや、レイ! - Iya, Rei! - No, Rei!)
  • "That's what I think about giving up!" (初音ミクもイケるな - Hatsune Miku mo ikeru na - Hatsune Miku is fine, too.)
  • "How does that feel? Huh?"
  • "That was fucking dirty, man!"
  • "Ah fuck! Fucking back!"
  • "Ah fuck! Ah my ankle!"
  • "How does that feel, huh? How about you give up?" (ダブルゆきぽ - Double Yukipo)
  • "No! Fuck no!" (No. まどか - No. Madoka.)
  • "I give! I give!"
  • "Yeah! Yeah!"
  • "Okay leatherboy. You got lucky on that round. That's it. No more Mr. Nice Guy now, I'm gonna show you how it's done."
  • "Let's go, come on!"
  • "Woo!"
  • "Had enough yet?"
  • "Oh my arm!"
  • "Ah my leg!"
  • "I like those trunks! I kind of like 'em!"
  • "I'm gonna work out with these tomorrow I think."
  • "Get the fuck up, man!"
  • "I've had enough of you. Get up!"
  • "I had about enough of you. I'm gonna put you out now."
  • "I'm gonna choke you out! Give up!"
  • "Give it up! You're not gonna beat me!"
  • "Hey, leatherboy! You aren't that tough!"
  • "Yeah, now I'm all warmed up!"
  • "That was easy."
  • "We've each won a round now. Why don't we settle it now? Huh? Get back up and do one more round, we'll see who's the true champ. Eh leatherboy? Come on." (コンビニセブンでな、スーパカップ15個もらう。シーン中1円。 英語で500文 - Konbini Sebun dena, suupakappu juugo-ko morau. Shiin-chuu ichi-en. Eigo de gohyaku bun - It is in the convenience store 7-Eleven. I get a 15 super-sized cup. It is 1 yen during a season. 500 sentences in English)
  • "Woo-hoo!"
  • "Where're you going, huh?"
  • "How does that feel, huh?"
  • "That's it! I've had enough of you! You know what? I'm getting tired! I'm gonna put you to sleep now!"
  • "You're going to sleep! You're going to sleep, that's it!"
  • "You're going to sleep! Aha ha yeah, oh leatherboy!"
  • "Can't hear ya, huh? You okay, huh? Can't hear ya anymore, huh? You sleep?" (レミリア - Remiria - Remilia.)
  • "Yeah, you have a nice sleep."
  • "I knew you weren't that tough, leatherboy."
  • "I knew it. You know nothing."
  • "I'm gonna shower."

Billy Herrington vs. Mark Wolff (兄貴vsビオランテ)

  • "Yeah! I just finished wrestling some jabroni here and uh... Knocked him out." (中野 - Nakano.)
  • "Yeah! Some guy, some guy wanted to challenge me in a wrestling match and uh, put about 1-2-3 with nothing!"
  • "Well hah! No, no this guy thought he was pretty tough and uh, nobody could take me, so I uh, you know, put a couple rounds out of him."
  • "Yeah?"
  • "Well, I just had a match and a little tired, but eh, I can always go another round. If that's what you're into. You want to um give it a try?" (チンチン♂マイウェイ~ - Chinchin♂Maiu~ei - Penis♂My Way)
You have good eyes, cactus.
  • "Well, maybe you and I should try and uh, settle it in uh... The ring right here yeah, I got a little good vibe that." (いい目してんねサボテンね - ii-me shi ten ne saboten ne - You have good eyes, cactus.)
  • "Well, I gotta get my hair cut in about uh, half an hour, but I think that I have some time."
  • "Well, let's give it a go. You're a pretty big guy uh, you know. Just saying. I'm a little bit uh, you know, I'm pretty quick so, we'll be able to, we'll be able to."
  • "I dunno, whatever you want. What do you pick?" (どうでもいいわ - Dō demo ī wa - It doesn't really matter.)
  • "Yeah? Wait, are you gonna fuck me in the ass? That what you mean?" (どういう意味? - Dōiu imi? - What do you mean?)
  • "Well, whatever you wanna do. If that's what you wanna do, if you think you can beat me 1-2-3?" (ワープロもできる レスリングもできる ビキビキビキニ 123 - Wāpuro mo dekiru resuringu mo dekiru bikibikibikini 123 - You can be a word processor. You can be a wrestler. You can be a biki biki bikini. 123.)
  • "Yeah, you can fuck me in the ass, we'll go!"
  • "Yeah, we'll put a little round."
  • "Sure, you wanna go Roman-Greco? Alright, let's go!"
  • "Alright, well you let me start on top, eh?"
  • "Let's see what you got come on man!"
  • "Alright."
  • "Ah, fuck you!"
  • "You got lucky on that one!"
  • "Feat of strength, you got it. Let's go!
  • "Come on, huh? Let's see what kind of strength you got. Let's go. Come on!"
  • "Let's go!"
  • "Huh? Feel that? Huh? Squeezing your innard?"
  • "Ahhhhh! Fuck you!"
  • "Uhhhhhh, you're gonna break my ankle!" (あ〝ーやっぱり怖えぇよ・・・( ´;ω;`) - Ah yappari kowae~ eyo...( ´;ω;`)  - Ah, I'm scared...)
  • "Iuh!"
  • "Aw? You're getting mad, huh?"
  • "Herrah!"
  • "Man, you're a long ways away from beating me man. That I'll tell you right now but I still think I can take ya."
  • "Huh, how's that feel?"
  • "Yeah, choke you out!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "I swear, I fight this is locker room rules, man. These are locker room rules!"
  • "I'll get you down. I'll get you down."
  • "AHHHHHHHH! Fuck!"
  • "Yeah! Ah, yeah man. This fucking night man. I can't breathe."
  • "You're gonna have trouble walking boy, if I'm gonna break your ankle!"
  • "Yeah? Had enough of that?"
  • "That, that was dirty man. That's the only way you can beat me."
  • "DOOOH!"
  • "Fuck!"
  • "Ahh, fuck!"
  • "I still think I can take ya!"
  • "Hey, ah!"
  • "Hey, I just bought those trunks. You're gonna stretch them out. I just bought those!
  • "Nobody fucking takes my trunks off, man!"
  • "AH! HAH!"
  • "HUH! AAAHAH!"
  • "GIAAAH!"
  • "THEAAAH!"
  • "Fuck!"
  • "I can't breathe!"
  • "Yeah, you like that?!"
  • "Huh, told ya!"
  • "You're gonna stretch my new trunks out?! I'll stretch your trunks out, too!"
  • "Lest you didn't like that ball grab, huh?"
  • "That feel good?" "You feel good?" (Billy)
  • "How do you like that? Huh?"
  • "Yeah, choke you right out!"
  • "Why don't you give?"
  • "OOOOAAH!"
  • "Oh, my back!"
  • "Fuck you."
  • "FUOOO!"
  • "UGHHHH!"
  • "AHHH, NO!"
  • "I give! I give up!"
  • "Ah fuck, I think you fucking broke my back!"
  • "Yeah."
  • "Yeah."
  • "Eh, you got lucky on that round."
  • "Ah, I think I'm quicker than you. Huh, you might be bigger and I think I'm quicker. I'm probably gonna win this match."
  • "Yeah we go, NEUH!"
  • "Ha! Yeah, let's go."
  • "DAAAHHH!"
  • "Make it that, eh? Huh?"
  • "Strap that fucking ass of yours!"
  • "Whoo!"
  • "OO FUFU!
  • "Yeah! See what kinda strength you got. Huh? I'll suck the inner out of ya."
  • "Fuck you!"
  • "Fuck, you're gonna break my arm!"
  • "Oh my back!"
  • "Oh god!"
  • "Fuck my hrr!"
  • "Ah, fuck!"
  • "Fuck you."
  • "Started taking with me."

Mark Wolff vs. Philippe Nicolas

  • "Frenchman. Model from Paris."
  • "He's in L.A.. Thinks he can wrestle. Wants a shot at the title."
  • "Some sort of Men's Workout model."
  • "Already got three covers for Men's Workout. I'm gonna show him who's boss."
  • "He's in California now."
  • "Pin him 1-2-3."
  • "Hey I understand eh you're pretty tough. Huh?"
  • "Ah, you don't speak English, but uh."
  • "You're in California now, you're not in Paris. Give you a shot at the title."
  • "I'm gonna pin you 1-2-3 no problem, I'll I'll be submitting probably in about I don't know two minutes maybe three minutes. You know, you got a pretty good little physique on you, but eh I think you're very strong, you know."
  • "This is California! Yeah! Huh?"
  • "Eh, you want a shot at the title, huh? Huh?"
  • "Ah expecting yourself up like that, eh? Yeah, you're gonna need it!"
  • "Yeah, you ready?"
  • "Yeah, mean come on that's it. You keep stretching. You keep stretching and you think you're all warmed up, then you let me know. Pin you 1-2-3."
  • "Huh? Yeah, huh, huh!"
  • "Fuck! Tricky, eh?"
  • "You like that, huh?"
  • "Ah, you're pretty tough there, eh?"
  • "Oh yeah, you're in my house now! Huh?"
  • "Yeah why don't you just give up, huh? Yeah give up!"
  • "That's revenge for sneaking up on me like that, huh?" (夏コミにスティック♂ナンバー見に行こうな? - Natsu komi ni sutikku♂nanba mi ni yuki kou na? - "Let's go see those sticks in Comiket?")
  • "Break your ankles, huh?"
  • "Huh? Not so tough now, huh?"
  • "I give up!"
  • "Huh? I can't hear ya anymore! Huh? What's the matter?" (生きる意味を。。。失う - ikiruimi o... ushinau - A meaning to live... lose.)
  • "Vive la U.S.A.!"
  • "I can take you to the new oil pit. Show you what wrestling's all about. We'll do it over there."
  • "Get out of the way!"
  • "I'll show you who's fucking boss, man! Huh?"
  • "Fucking Frenchman! I'm gonna show you what it's all about."
  • "This is called oil wrestling man. American oil wrestling!"
  • "Come on, you got, you got one more round to go. You gotta wrestle me if you want it!"
  • "This will wake you up!"
  • "I'm gonna send you back to France, man!"
  • "You're not gonna be able to breathe after this!"
  • "Competition man! If I knew nothing!"
  • "Vive la France, huh? Vive America!"
  • "Woo!"
  • "I've had enough of you."
  • "Go back to France!"

Mark Wolff vs. Jirka Kalvoda and Jarda Kolar

  • "Alright. Two more Europeans who want a shot at the California title."
  • "Well, I just beat up a fellow European Frenchman! This time it's Czechoslovakian, let's go! Huh?"
  • "Get off!" (?) (チルノ! - Cirno!)

  • "Hello?"
  • "Yeah, I. Oh that uh, ah that video tomorrow?"
  • "Yeah, I'm, I'm. That's gonna probably have to wait 'til tomorrow, um."
  • "That's a lot of work. I'm gonna have to uh uh look at that first thing tomorrow morning."
  • "I'm actually uh, just finishing up here tonight it's getting kind of late and uh, I'm just getting ready to get out of here tonight."
  • "I've had a long day, but I'll look at it first thing tomorrow morning frank and uh I'll give you a call then. Okay."
  • "Good, talk to you later. Bye."

Nino Bacci vs. Mark Wolff

  • "You too shall be my slave."
  • "Ah! I give! I give!"
  • "I surrender! I surrender!"

  • "Hi! This is Mark Wolff. I'm from Vancouver, Canada."
  • "Been in this business for about 9 years now. Started off doing fitness magazines and worked my way up to men's magazines and then, into wrestling videos and solo videos."
  • "You know I've never actually done, y'know, hardcore porn, it's mostly just solo, wrestling, and fitness magazines. But, I built up a pretty good following over the years and and, I've had both those for about 5 years now. And then."
  • "Yeah, if you guys'll edit that out."
  • "Um, I came across your website through a magazine. Uh, Cybersocket, actually, I saw your ads in there and um, I went on to the site. I think you guys have got a great site. Really well done and uh, I, I just like the whole idea of the suits and it's kinda classy and, um, I'm glad I called and uh, you guys were able to fit me in."
  • "Up until about 3 years ago I didn't wear suits much at all. It was just jeans and t-shirts and that kind of thing. Pretty casual, but the last 3 years or so with my business and things, I've had to wear suits more and more, so um, I've started getting back into dressing up a bit and getting some suits made. Um, I get best bulk, y'know, tailored and uh, even my shirts I have to get tailored now as well. I can get some shirt off the rack, but it just doesn't fit quite right, so um, it's a bit of a disadvantage being a bodybuilder. I see a lot of nice suits on the rack, I wish I could just, it might be good in some ways 'cause I'd probably blow a lotta money uh, a lot more money on clothes if I could just buy it right off the bat."
  • "Alright, so you guys want me to uh, stand up."
  • "First, I'll take off what I've uh, got on here."
  • "I'd never amount a professional bodybuilder. I competed as an amateur bodybuilder. When I was going to school, my last contest I did was about 4 years ago, but um, it's strictly am, amateur bodybuilding. There's no money. I've had probably done about uh, 12 or 13 shows over the years. So I got all the way up to a junior national level, which is uh, a pro qualifier show, which was the next step up for me. But, I never had any aspirations to turn pro or anything. Just uh, more just uh, a hobby and a way to get into shape."
  • "Guys want me to take these off as well?"
  • "Yeah, sure."
  • "No, heheh."
  • "These are what you call knee highs."
  • "You know, I saw a guy in New York in the summer wearing a pair of pants, shorts, that came to his knee and then socks that came up like this."
  • "Yeah, it was a good look! Hehe."
  • "You're a certified tailor? You're uh, from Savile Row?"
  • "Hehehehe!"
  • "That's great! Apparently, I work with cer, certified tailors!"
  • "I got pretty fat wrists."
  • "Think we have a problem."
  • "Yep."
  • "I had it made uh, tailored in New York, and it's uh, Ermenegildo Zegna cloth."
  • "Yeah."
  • "That's okay."
  • "That's good length, that's Holister."
  • "Yeah."
  • "Yeah, I do, I feel pretty comfortable in a suit. I like being uh, dressed up. Yeah. Feels good."
  • "Yeah! I've done a couple of my uh, scenes in some of my solo videos, where I've come home from work, wearing a suit and slowly stripped out, to just strip out of it. Had a shower and then, usually jacked off or something like that. Heheh."
  • "Yeah, sure. When you uh."
  • "Uh, aheh! No! I don't wanna cum on my suit, but uh, if you want, I'll cum on your suit. I have to wear this later tonight."
  • "Sure! Give me your suit and I'd be happy to cum all over your suit."
  • "No, definitely can't cum on mine."
  • "Yeah, I like sitting in this nice chair. Very comfortable."
  • "Side of the jacket or on the lapel or."
  • "Sure."
  • "Okay."
  • "Well."
  • "Yeah and you could, jack it off."

Authentic Gachimuchi Information

  • Due to Mark Wolff's involvement with he was instrumental in leading the eventual filming and discovery of Ricardo Milos in a film.
  • Mark Wolff, Van Darkholme, and Billy Herrington are the only main Gachimuchi Characterss out of the four to have created websites; Mark and Van created one book each as well.
  • Mark Wolff is a control freak and perfectionist.
  • Mark Wolff enjoys steak, oil massages, house music and techno, and hates alarms and bad attitudes.
  • Mark Wolff is a dual citizen of Canada and the United States.
  • Mark Wolff's name was created by the late Jim French.
  • Mark Wolff is one of the few main Gachimuchi Characterss to not explicitly engage in gay sex.
  • Mark Wolff's star sign is Virgo.
  • Van Darkholme has stated that Mark Wolff was a nice and professional wrestler.[2]
  • Mark Wolff is mistakenly labelled as an Austrian rather than a Canadian in International Wrestling Festival 2015 -WORLD OF ANIKI-.
  • Mark Wolff is commonly mistaken for being Billy Herrington during the confrontation between Mark Wolff and Van Darkholme. Mark Wolff is also mistaken for calling the actual Billy Herrington a "jabroni", when in actuality, he was referring to Van Darkholme, whom Mark Wolff recently defeated prior to just meeting Billy Herrington.

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