This is a list of terms used in Japanese Gachimuchi. They are arranged in the traditional order of Japanese kana: a-ka-sa-ta-na-ha-ma-ya-ra-wa-ga-za-da-ba-pa-n.
O[edit | edit source]
- OtoMAD - "sound mad". It refers to music videos where clips and sounds from anime are used to create the music. Being a fandom from Japan, where this is very popular, Gachimuchi is home to many OtoMAD videos.
K[edit | edit source]
- 草 - "kusa", "grass". It refers to the "wwww" term, representing laughter at something funny.
- コメ付き - "kometsuki", "with comments". It refers to a video with colourful comments that mock the video or praise its characters. コメ (kome) is short for "komento" (comments) and is also the word for "rice".
S[edit | edit source]
- 再up - "sai-uppu", reupload
H[edit | edit source]
- 810 - "hat-ten", a joke number used for homosexuality. Originally, it means "cruising", search for sex partners.
- 888888 - "hachi hachi hachi hachi hachi hachi", applause
Y[edit | edit source]
- 801 - "yaoi" - homosexuality. It is also the name of a genre of romantic novels and comics focusing on gay couples.
W[edit | edit source]
- ww - "warawara", "LOL".
B[edit | edit source]
- BB - "bi-bi", a stock animation used in editing.
Dirty terms[edit | edit source]
These are words used as puns and lewd jokes for Gachimuchi names and memes.
A[edit | edit source]
- アナ, 穴 - "ana", "hole, ass"
K[edit | edit source]
- ケツ - "ketsu", "ass"
S[edit | edit source]
- 尻 - "shiri", "butt, ass"
M[edit | edit source]
- マラ, 魔羅 - "mara", "a dick". Originally derived from Mara, a demon in Buddhism representing desires that stop people from achieving enlightenment and freedom from suffering.
Inmu terms[edit | edit source]
These terms are from INMU, a subculture for another adult web series that became a rival to the Gachimuchi fanbase of Japan. Nonetheless, these terms are also used by Japanese Gachimuchi fans in their slang.
I[edit | edit source]
- いいよ来いよ, 115415, 良い世来いよ - "iiyo, koiyo" - "come on and hurry up", a line spoken by Yajuu Senpai (野獣先輩).
S[edit | edit source]
- 4545 - "shikoshiko" - Masturbation.
M[edit | edit source]
- 申レN - "moure'en". Short for "申し訳ないがレズはNGの略" (moushirenai ga Rezu wa En-Ji no ryaku), which means "Sorry, but the Wrestling Series is not that good!". Used in support of the Gachimuchi fandom, in contrast to an earlier version's mockery of INMU.