Max Men Strip Fantasy 1 (JirkaK, JardaK, Beau Bradley, SonnyM; 2000)[edit source]
- Japanese: 新日暮里タウンガイド 魅惑のダンススクール編 ("Shinnippori Town Guide Enchanted Dance School Edition")
- This is the film where Jirka Kalvoda's shirt rubbing dance meme originated. This video of the film serves as a promo of the film.
- Japanese: 【祝♂植毛】新日暮里ダンススクール ルーニー編 ("【Celebration】 Shinnippori Dance School Gain Rooney Edition")
- Beau Bradley's scene.
- Japanese: 新日暮里ダンススクール 金閣編 ("Shinnippori Dance School Kinkaku Edition")
- Jirka Kalvoda's scene with his shirt rubbing dance and good music.
- Japanese: 新日暮里ダンススクール 銀閣編 ("Shinnippori Dance School Ginkaku Edition")
- Jarda Kolar's scene with his black shorts and also good music.
- Japanese: 新日暮里ダンススクール 井上シャブレラ編 ("Shinnippori Dance School Inoue Chabrera Edition")
- Sonny Markham's scene with his incredibly good music and dance moves.